Day 4 LRGV The Brownsville Area

Lesser Black-backed Gull at the Brownsville Dump.

For a day when we missed the primary targeted bird, Aplomado Falcon, we had a great day. We began at the Sable Palm Grove, the lone remnant of an original estimated 40,000 acres of Sabal Palm in the lower RGV. It was really dry, the palms look in poor shape, but we did find a few new species for the trip, including Black-throated Green Warbler, Wilson’s Warbler, and enjoyed the area.
Brownsville Dump. A place every avid ABA lister aspired to visit. Check!

Next off to a place every ABA birder has heard of, and now I have finally visited,the Brownsville Dump. It is famous as the only place in the ABA to get Tamuopalis Crow, not there this year, but it is an old fashioned open dump, with the attendant thousands of gulls, Turkey and Black Vultures, Crested Caracara, various blackbirds, and today the hoped for Lesser Black-backed Gull, an uncommon European vagrant.
A Lower RGV specialty, seen all over, heard nearly constantly calling its name.

Next off to the Old Port Isabelle Road, where Aplomado Falcons are often seen, without luck.
We finished the day at the Boca Chica NWR. The shore, where we had hoped to drive to both the jetty and the mouth of the Rio Grande was washed out, but the backwaters were great, with lots of shorebirds, Reddish Egrets of both the red and white morphs, terns, gulls, pelicans, and plenty to keep us scoping for the rest of the day. There may have been 80 Snowy Plovers there, along with a nice flock of Stilt Sandpipers, >140 Reddish Egrets, and lots more.
A local Mexican joint for dinner on the way home, and now to sleep well for all.
Good birding. Tomorrow likely Bentsen Rio State Park, and Anzalduas SP.
Black-throated Green Warbler