Aplomado FalconToday Ken, Bruce and I headed east, to try again for Aplomado Falcon which Ken needed for his ABA list. We missed this bird on the Old Port Isabella Road two days ago, so today tried for the place on Hwy 100 near Laguna Atascosa where they have been seen. Weather was our biggest obstacle as it rained steadily as we approached the area. Still after looking carefully all the way as we approached, we easily located one falcon on the nest/hacking platform, and for about 15 minutes two Aplomado Falcons went through a wonderful courtship and copulation display maybe 100 yards from us, though rain and fog made viewing suboptimal.
Here are the best I could do for photos.
The rest of the day was leisurely, as we went up to the Laguna Atascosa NWR, and worked our way home looking for seawatch sites in Port Isabella, then the blackbird spectacle at the Granary and the Llano River overlook in Westlaco, and finally at a nature center in McAllen. Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. These are tree ducks, that nest in cavities.
Best birds of the day after the falcon were Redhead and Canvasback ducks, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Bufflehead, white-form Little Blue Heron, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Clay-colored Thrush and Gray Hawk.
Tomorrow a local day near McAllen.