The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #69 with Francisco Garcia Additional Info.

I heard about Francisco Garcia a number of times over the years when talking with Marcus Roening and Heather Ballash about their many trips to Mexico. Francisco is based in San Blas, in Nayarit, Mexico, and leads birding tours through Safaris San Blas.  You can find them on Facebook @safarisanblas

It was really fun to hear about the excellent birding in the San Blas area that is accessible on relatively short drives from town, allowing a good bird list without spending long days traveling.  I checked on eBird, and Francisco is the #2 eBird lister in Nayarit, Mexico, with a great life list there. His list is 473 species, and of interest to me is that Marcus and Heather are #14 & #15 with 342 and 340 species respectively.   They have 640 and 619 in all of Mexico on their eBird Lists.  I knew that they had birded Mexico a lot, but Wow!

Nayarit is one of the smaller Mexican states in population, with about 1.2 millinon people, and has a good portion of the Pacific Coastline of Mexico.  The eBird list for Nayarit is 561 species of a total of 1099 in all of Mexico.

If you want to listen to the episode with Marcus and Heather, it is #64, and here is a link to their episode on Apple Podcasts. You can also listen on Podbean here on the site front page.

Thanks for listening.  Until next time.  Good birding. Good day!