The Bird Banter Podcast #112 with Pete Janzen: Additional Information

I enjoyed talking about birding Kansas with Pete Janzen this episode. Pete was really informative, and I learned a lot about a place I know little about prior to talking. The Kansas eBird list includes 458 species, and Pete has listed 437 of these. He talks about Kansas hotspots Quivira NWR and Cheyenne Bottoms, both fairly near his home in Wichita.

You can find both of Pete’s books on Amazon. The Guide to Kansas Birds and Hotspots and The Birds of Sedgwick County and Cheney Reservoir.

I did not know that Kansas has the largest remaining population of Lesser Prairie Chickens or that it was possible to see both species of prairie chicken on the same lek. If you need these species check out the tours Pete recommends on this website. You’ll not only see the birds, but support their conservation efforts.

You can find Pete on Facebook easily.

Here is a link to an article Pete wrote about the Rufous-crowned Sparrow response to new habitat created by wildfire in Kansas. For more

As I mentioned I’m on the lookout for good birding guests from every state. If you know good candidates, help me reach out to them. Send me an email on the Contact page here. Here is the article I mentioned in the WFO newsletter about megafires and the history of western U.S. wildfires.

Thanks for listening. Until next time; Good birding and good day!