The Bird Banter Podcast #133 with Dan Casey

On this episode Dan Casey and I talk about his birding story, birding Montana and lots more. Dan and I share the goal of trying to see 100 species of birds in each of the counties in our state. I have it much easier in WA, with only 39 counties and a state smaller than Montana. Here is my eBird profile of WA sightings:

Here is Dan’s for Montana.

eBirders will appreciate the NO GRAY counties for both of us.

You can reach Dan by email danielcasey55-at- gmail- dot- com
We talk about a few organizations, places and topics. Here are some related links:

The American Bird Conservancy
Partners in Flight
Hawk Watch International
Westport Seabirds
Northern Great Plains Joint Venture

You can find the Birds of Montana book Dan helped write on Amazon here.

Thanks for listening. Until next time. Good birding and good day!