Tag: christian hagenlocher

The Bird Banter Episode #29 with Christian Hagenlocher Additional Info

In this episode Christian talks at length about his recent trip to Attu. Attu has a rich history of being a place where rarities can be found like no other place. I believe the book Christian mentions in the podcast is Attu: Birding on the Edge by Crista Waters. It is available on Amazon

Here is the link to the place to preorder Christian’s new book Falcon Freeway.

The National Audubon Society Hog Island Camp can be looked at here.

Here is the company Christian is guidingfor.

Here is the boat used for the Attu tour. M/V Pukuk on a tour with Zugunruhe Birding Tours.

I’ve looked at several Attu trip reports, and there really are not that many “highly likely” species I could add to my ABA life list that are not almost as likely on a trip to Gambel or Adak. Mega rarities would certainly be more likely, but at this time I don’t see Attu in my birding future.

Good birding. Good day.