Tag: Idaho birding

The Bird Banter Podcast #80 with Darren Clark Additional Info.

I had so much fun talking about birding in Idaho and photography with Darren Clark on this episode. Darren is the top eBird lister in Idaho with 387 species on his eBird list.

You can contact Darren Clark at his website Darren Clark Photography, or follow him on Instagram at either @darrenclark or @idahobirds

Here are links to a few of my favorite photos on Darren’s Website:

Potato Cellar Photos

Herry’s Fork

I mention my trip to see the Cassia Crossbill in Cassia County, Idaho. Here is a trip report from that trip. Of concern is the last year’s wildfires that may have impacted the Cassia Crossbill population severely. Here is a link to the ABC birding website discussion of our meeting where Cassia Crossbills were the primary topic.
Here is a link to the eBird Hotspot for Howe, ID where Darren tells about the Little Lost River. Here is a link to the story of the lost rivers.
Here is the American Falls Reservoir eBird hotspot link. There are many hotspots and this is just the general area.
Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or comments.

Until next time. Good birding and good day!