The Bird Banter Podcast #187 with Jason Zolle

On this episode I talk with Jason Zolle, a birder I know from Washington who recently moved to Colorado.  Jason worked for several years as the Washington State Non-partisan counsel, and recently undertook a career change.
Jason’s story is yet another way that the changes to society during the pandemic restrictions led to more birding time for lots of us, and to increased passion for birding in others.
Jason’s Art Website is here.

Information about the Rebecca Heisman episode and the book I recommend, Flight Paths is here. I loved this book, and have recently decided to use it as my choice for my book club (not birders) read for the meeting I’ll host in April. I think it is a birding book that will be of interest to non-birders too. I mention in talk with Jason about the use of elemental analysis of a birds primary feathers in determining where that bird bred. Here is an article on that topic.

Here is an article about Suciasaurus Rex, Washington’s Official State Dinosaur 

If you have suggestions for guests, or just want to reach out to me use the Contact Page. 

Thanks for listening. Until next time, good birding and good day!