Wrapping up Southern California Trip

A Brown Booby from our fowl weather pelagic on Saturday out of San Diego.

Sitting at the Orange County Airport, waiting to fly home. We had a great trip, with 179 species, including 9 lifers for Ken, and 6 new California life birds for me. 30 checklists, lots of fun, battled some poor weather, but overall a great trip and the planned topic for the next episode of The Brid Banter Podcast. Stay tuned.

One of the more recent exotic introduced specise to be accepted as “listable” by the ABA. Egyptian Goose.
A Brown Booby from our fowl weather pelagic on Saturday out of San Diego.
A Cassin’s Aucklet too full of fish to take flight.
Black-vented Shearwater
Cactus Wrens at the Anza Borrego Visitor Center.

Enjoy the podcast. Good day. Good birding!