In this episode Brad and I talk a lot about birding in Clallam County, WA. Over the last decade or so it has become increasingly clear that Neah Bay is a special place in the fall. If you look at a map of the northwestern U.S. you will see that Neah Bay and Cape Flattery are at the very northwest most point of the lower 48 United States.
Just this fall rare Washington species found in Neah Bay include Blackburnian Warbler, Orchard Oriole, Tropical Kingbird (frustratinglyk found the day after I left Neah Bay), Lapland Longspur, Lark Sparrow (rare for that location, not eastern WA), Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Mockingbird, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and American Redstart.
I am hopeful that Brad will help me mark up a Neah Bay map with the birders names for locations often used in describing places in the town.
Here is a link to Matt Bartell and Ken Knittel’s WA Birder website.
Here are some photos from my recent Neah Bay trip:

Here is a link to the ABC Birding website of our local birding club.
Good birding. Good day!