I like to take advantage of being done with precepting at the Puyallup based EPFM Residency when I finish at noon, and even better was finishing by 11AM today. I headed for the recent swan fields at Von Ogel’s Ford Rd, but as Bruce told me they just are not there this winter. Fortunately I saw my Pierce FOY Trumpeter Swan (5) alongside Hwy 162 getting there, and again (23) on the Orting Farm Loop soon after. Also on the loop was a full feeder just after turning off Calistoga onto the loop, were at least 2 Brown-headed Cowbirds were with lots of Red-winged and Brewer’s Blackbirds. The expected American Kestrel was also on a wire on the loop, but nothing else notable.
A stop at the barn on Levee Rd. yielded the roosting pair of Barn Owls, one flushed before I got the camera up, but the LEGO and CORE seen late last year by others did not show near the river and the bridge. A stop at 56th St Stormwater Ponds showed much “progress” on the big housing development where we used to get birds in the field, and the usual wintering Ruddy Ducks with other waterfowl.
A nice diversion on the way back to end yet another short day of light in the Pacific NW.