The Bird Banter Podcast #94 with Jon Anderson Additional Info.

Jon on a hike.

Jon Anderson is a hard guy to miss on a birding trip.  He is a big guy with a big moustache who is not shy about joining in any conversation, enjoys both birding and birders. Jon has been a birder for decades, but has been more active since his retirement a few years ago. We talk a bit about what he calls his Perigrination, defined as, “a journey, especially a long or meandering one.” This nicely and humourously describes Jon’s year, which he journals on his blog, “Peregrination.” In addition to his biggish year of birding after retirement we talk about his birding story and his career with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Here is an article on the Caspian Tern Relocation Project we talked about.

Here is the Westport Seabirds website.

Jon helps with field trips for WOS, and here is the WOS field trips page.

You can contact

Jon by email festuca-at-comcast-dot-net If you have ideas for guests you’d like to hear from please leave a comment or use the contact page above to reach me.

Until next time. Good birding and good day!