Food Forest Regeneration Brings Back Birds and Habitat for all Species

I am super excited about the book my daughter Jean Pullen has written that will be published on March 11th. I’ve visited her small Regenerative Agriforestry farm, and can vouch for the fact that their techniques for growing amazing quantities of food in a way that provides habitat for birds, animals and the entire ecosystem is not just possible, but practical. Her book talks about this and a whole lot more. You can go to the Regenerate Your Reality web site to buy your copy by clicking on the hotlink in this sentence. Following is a brief article written by Jean to tell about her passion and the general topic of the book:

A Discussion of Regenerative Agroforestry by Jean Pullen
“As an alumni soil advocate from Kiss the Ground, I was inspired to write my book, Regenerate Your Reality, and continue expanding the @JungleProjectCR mission all about Trees, Training, and Trade. I have felt called to environmentalism since a young age. In 2017, I moved to Costa Rica to follow my passion for nature, permaculture, agroforestry, and community.

Now I am teaching soil advocacy to children and recently activated a monthly webinar series about regeneration in every way. I believe we can be part of the solution to the climate crisis, and that we all can play our part by living regeneration and coming back to our essence of love.” –
Jean Pullen

Planting trees creates so much abundance, because once the trees start fruiting, you can easefully feed birds, animals, your neighbors, your community, and yourself. Planting trees will help your family and community today and support generations to come. We have regenerated cow pasture lands where we saw very few birds to then see abundant agroforests with native plants and flowers where birds are back.

“Agroforestry . . . is a holistic agricultural management system that integrates trees, shrubs, and edible perennial plants to provide multiple crops resistant to pests and diseases.ˮ
—Craig R. Elevitch and Diane Ragone

Something that we have learned through the Jungle Project is that one breadfruit tree can meet a family’s carbohydrate needs for many generations.

Jungle Project & Breadfruit, The Tree of Life
Breadfruit is a key part of traditional Pacific agroforestry systems, many of which have since been usurped by monocultures. The fast-growing, high-yield perennial trees bear fruit in just three to five years and continue producing for decades. Breadfruit also requires significantly less labor and inputs than crops like rice and wheat. Researchers believe that breadfruit, a highly nutritious source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, could be key to alleviating hunger and poverty in the tropics.

The Jungle Project Vision: A world that thrives through regenerative food forests.
Jungle Project is a regenerative enterprise dedicated to trees, training, and trade. Through the promotion of its tropical agroforestry model, Jungle Project is researching and establishing underutilized crops like breadfruit, a tree native to the Pacific Islands, with smallholder farmers to create value-added supply webs. Jungle Project supports farming communities, helps diversify farmer production and income by seeking market opportunities for harvests, and fosters the investigation and development of innovative products sourced from farmers’ edible forest gardens. Jungle Project’s Breadfruit Flour is sourced from tropical regenerative agroforestry ‘Jungles’ of Costa Rica, and is 100% gluten free.

Are you ready to get deeper into regeneration? Regenerate Your Reality?
Your Guide to Regenerative Living, Love, Happiness, & Sovereignty is available to order. Visit to learn more.

Much of the proceeds from this book will be filtered back to regenerative community-based farming models and planting trees that feed through Kiss the Ground and Jungle Project!

By Jean Pullen
Author Bio
Jean Pullen is the author of Regenerate Your Reality, a resource for those who seek regeneration in their lives and in the world. She is a partner of Jungle Project, and Soil Advocate at Kiss the Ground. In addition, she enjoys sharing her passions through holistic workshops and regenerative agriculture tours.