The Bird Banter Podcast #173 with Mollee Brown

On this episode Mollee and I talk about lots of things, but maybe none more exciting than learning more about the trip to the Chocó region of Colombia that Mollee is leading for Hillstar Nature in Feb 2025. It sounds like a blast, and I’m pretty excited about the trip.
Hearing about Mollee’s work at the Nighthawk Agency brought back lots of memories of my late wife Kay’s boutique advertising agency Pullen Advertising, that she ran for many years. Being the person who has to be all things for a small company has its challenges but its joys. I can tell that Mollee embraces these challenges. Thinking about all of the supporting parts of birding as an industry is a term I’d not thought much about before, but it really is an industry. There are so many different contributers that I’ve just scratched the surface with the people I’ve had on the podcast so far.
I had talked preveiously with Joshua Covill about The Birding Coop, and it was fun to here about if from Mollee’s perspective. It sounds like a pretty cool project. I hope it does well.
We talk about here work with George Armistead and Alvaro Jaramillo on the Life List Podcast. This has become one of the favorites of many of my friends.
The New River Birding Festival sounds like a pretty unique and fabulous event. I’m hoping it makes it into my plans soon.
Thanks for listening. Until next time, good birding and good day!