The Bird Banter Podcast #177 with Larry Schwitters and Diane Yorgason-Quinn Additional Info.

On this episode Larry Schwitters, Diane Yorgason-Quinn and I talk about their work on the Vaux Happening Project, Larry’s prior work on Black Swifts and their nest sites behind waterfalls. He first volunteered, and then was hired to get to (no small task) and look for Black Swift nests and all of the reasonably accessible waterfalls in trhe area.
From there he turned his attention to Vaux’s Swifts and this led to the Vaux Happening Project.
Diane Yorgason-Quinn is a long time friend and Tacoma area birder who is the moving force of our local ABC Birding club. She is also the organizer and leader of the JBLM Vaux Swift counting part of the Vaux Happening Project. Here is a video of the swifts at the chimney there from You Tube.

Larry continues to be extremely active, still climbing crazy ladders to keep the cameras at the chimney functioning.

Diane talked about her presentation at the 7th International Swift Converence. It was fun to see the difference between our North American swifts and the old world swifts, which now are somewhat dependent on bird houses for nesting.

Diane at the conference presenting on the Vaux Happening research.