Tag: Hillstar Nature Tours

The Bird Banter Podcast #186: Colmobia Recap with Bruce LaBar

It’s great to be back after a long break to be with my two kids in Costa Rica for the birth of each of their first child (so my first and second grandchildren) and then shortly after a birding trip to Colombia with Hillstar Nature and Mollee Brown. The time with family was great, both mom’s and babies are healthy and beautiful, and I am glad I took the break. That said, I’ve missed the podcast, and am happy to be back.
This episode was done at my house in Tacoma local birding buddy Bruce LaBar. One of the good things about the pandemic and quarantine is the improved ability to video conference, and I’ve used these exclusively for a while now, so it was fun to sit down in person and record an episode.
Here are lots of links and a few photos from the trip.
Hillstar Nature
Nighthawk Agency is Mollee Brown’s company.
Montezuma Rainforest Lodge is the first lodge we stayed at and the home of Yessenia’s family.
Tinamu Hotel was the home base for several trips to great birding spots and is great in and of itself with trails and feeding stations for Gray-headed Dove, a Golden-collared Manakin lek, and more.
Doña Dora’s the great roadside restaurant and feeder station. The opening page of this site had a great video.
PNN Navados
My Trip Report on eBird This has a day by day narrative.


Ranbow-throated Thornbill (from Jim Hoagland)

The group at a feeding station.

Chestnut Wood-Quail

Rufous-fronted Parakeet, a surprise and rare find on a cliff near PNN Los Nevados

Lyre-tailed Nightjar

Collared Inca

Saffron-crowned Tanager

Rainbow throated Thonnbill

Common Potoo with chick

Blue-headed Parrot

Golden-collared Manakin on a lek

Little Tinamou
Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Red-headed Barbet
White-shouldered Tanager