Episode #25 with Dr. John Fitchen

In episode #25 I talk with another physican Dr. John Fitchen. He is a retired hematology-oncologist and a top Portland, OR area birder. He recently published a book:

    Life Through the Lens of a Doctor Birder: A Memoir

. I read the book and it is an enjoyable read for birders or for general interest. Birders will enjoy chapters on his trip to Attu, and his Multnomah County Big Year, as well as the field notes at the end of each chapter describing the last 20 species he saw entoute to getting to 300 on his Multnomah County Life List.
Readers or listeners can get a 10% discount on the book at https://aerbook.com/store/fitchen using the code BANTER

On the podcast we talked briefly about the role of physician in early American ornithology. I looke more into this to be sure I was remembering correctly. Spencer Baird, of Smithsonian fame, married the daughter of the Secretary of the Army, and with that influence managed to recruit the help of many Army Surgeons on exploratory expeditions, as well as at outposts, who sent him species skins, eggs, etc. Some names that will sound familiar are:
John James Cooper (Cooper’s Hawk)
Adolphys L Heermann (Heermann’s Gull)
John Fox Hammond (Flycatcher)
In addition George Stellar was a Russian physician who explored the northwest and Arctic areas, having Stellar’s Jay, Stellar’s Sea Eagle, the Extince Stellar’s Sea Cow, Stellar’s Sea Lion named after him.
You can read more about this at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44442753?read-now=1&seq=3#page_scan_tab_contents
I hope you enjoyed the episode. If you have yet to listen, you can find it at http://birdbanter.com/
On that page you can listen on Podbean, or can find one-click links to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Spotify.
Good Birding. Good Day!
