Lower Rio Grande Valley Day 2 with Ken and Bruce

Bad Picture. Great bird. Hook-billed Kite.

Today the primary objective was to find a Hook Billed Kite at Santa Ana NWR. Two birds have been seen there many days recently from the observation tower, so we opened the park, being the second car in the lot, and by far the first to the tower, a half mile hike. We got to the top of the tower, and immediately began identifying Harris’s Hawks, a total of 8, most at long distance. About 9:10 Ken spotted a raptor, not crazy far away, and his words went something ling this. “This is interesting. This could be. Maybe. I’ve got it! …” He had spotted a female Hook-billed Kite perched in a snag at maybe a half mile away. We all got good looks, barely passable photos, and it was an ABA lifer for Bruce, and a lifer for Ken.
PARA_4047 Quinta Mazatlan McAllen

We spent maybe 25 minutes congratulating ourselves, and showing the bird on the first step off the tower stairs to the next 6-8 birders to show up. All were pretty excited.
Yellow-throated Warbler

The rest of the day we spent birding Santa Ana, then the Frontera Audubon Society property, and finally the relatively new Quinta Mazatlan WBC, a place very near where we are staying and a pretty cool spot. Yellow-throated Warbler and Black-throated Green Warblers were trip firsts there. Another big day for all. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Northern Pintail