The Bird Banter Podcast #174 with Cin-Ty Lee and Andrew Birch Additional Info.

On this episode Andrew, Cin-Ty and I talk about their recent books on North American Flycatcher ID.

You can buy them anywhere you typically buy books, but here is a link to the Princeton Press site who published them.
I talk about the fabulous art by Andrew and promised a couple of the plates here as examples of how the book shows the details of how to differentiate the tough empids. Check out these.

I have read the Pewee and Empid book and especially enjoyed the introduction section where they show exactly how to look at wing and primary projection, wing panel contrast, wing bar contrast, upper and under part contrast, eye rings and bill shapes and sizes. In photos these can be hard to compare, but the paintings allow an apples-to-apples comparison that is exquisitely detailed and helpful.
In addition I like the panels and text that compare similar species, showing just what to look for in telling the difference. Here is a link to a book review by Harry Armistead.
Here is link to Cin-Ty Lee’s website.

In the introduction I talk about the Lewis’s Woodpecker I saw a couple of days prior to recording the introduction to this episode. Here is a photo of that bird.

Bad photo. Great bird. Lewis’s Woodpecker

Thanks for listening. Until next time, good birding and good day!