Category: Podcast summary

More Notes on The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #39 with Rob Porter

White-crowned Sparrow in full song

When I stumbled across the Birdsong Podcast I just loved it. I felt like I was spending a little time birding in with a friend in a area with a representative eastern U.S. avifauna. I heard the narrator quietly walking through the woods, marshes and fields while giving a quiet play-by-play, or really bird-by-bird narrative of what we were hearing. It is simple, novel and well done. Just flat-out cool stuff for a birder to hear IMHO.

In brushy habitat a good guess in our area to the identity of any loud repeated birdsong or call of a bird you cannot locate is likely to be this Bewick’s Wren.

You can find his introductory episode at this link on iTunes

You can also visit the Songbirding Website to get other feed links.

Here is a link to the Birding by Ear series I talk about in the intro to this episode.  This is the Eastern U.S. course, there is also a series for the Western U.S. birds.  

The Ka-brick call of this Ash-throated Flycatcher to me sounds like a referee’s whistle.

If you have other podcasts you love, please leave info in the comments section.

Thanks for listening. Until next time. Good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #38 with Alex Israel Additional Info.

On The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #38 I talk with Alex Israel, a conservation activist with the Safe Flights program of the New York City Audubon Society. The combination of human light at night in cities combined with glass exterior skyscrapers in major migratory bird flyways is a lethal one to many songbirds. Listen to hear about this and more.
Here is a link to the New York Audubon Societies Safe Flights Program page:
This is the article I mention on nocturnal calls and “supercollider” species that are especially at risk from nighttime lights and skyscrapers.
Here is a link to info about The Central Park Effect documentary I mention on the episode.
Here is the eBird details page on Central Park in NYC.

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #37 with John Pushcock

On The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #37 I talk with Alaskan Island expert and trip leader John Pushcock.  John has been able to lead trips to Attu in recent years using a seaworthy ship to transport birders from Adak to Attu, birding Attu by day, and sleeping on the boat at night.  He also has led trips to Adak, Utgiagvik (previously  Barrow), Alaska.  John runs a Seattle based birding tour company Zugunruhe Birding Tours, website  

You can find John on Facebook but the best way is via his website above.  

On the podcast we talk briefly about my experience on the 5-day Pelagic trip on the Searcher out of San Diego. The leader of that trip is John  McGrath, I could not recall his last name when we were talking. Here is a link to the trip site.

We talk about John’s early birding days on the east coast, his time in California, and how he came to become a leading Alaskan island bird tour operator.  Enjoy.

In case you are wondering, I did chase the Yellow-browed Warbler to Victoria the day after we recorded this episode, and got eyes on a bird others saw well enough to identify, but I had to leave it as a bird probably seen but left off my list. A great day birding though.

Until next time, good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #36 with Tasha DiMarzio more information

I had such a fun time talking with Tasha DiMarzio on The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #36. We talked about her younger years as a domestic fowl breeder and caretaker, her career for 15 years working to sustain and protect the endangered Steller’s Eiders of Alaska, and her more recent adventures and endeavors. Here are some links to things we talked about as well as some we did not.

Follow Tasha on Instagram @featheredobsession

Here is a page about Tasha on the Alaska Sealife Center website.

Here is the Alaska Fish and Wildlife Website where Tasha is currently working.

Here is a link to the 2019 Great American Arctic Birding Challenge

Here is the Copper River Shore Birding Festival Site where Tasha and her Mom attend for fun.

This is the site for the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

Here is our ABC Birding Site link to the report on Tasha’s Talk to us in 2015.

I hope you enjoyed the episode.

Until next time. Good birding. Good day!

Dr. Ursula Valdez and The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #35

On The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #35 I talk with Dr. Ursula Valdez about her birding story and about her decade plus of work in the Peruvian Amazon. We cover a lot of issues, and in this post I hope to add details and clarification to some of the topics we discussed. Her doctoral work was studying forest falcons in the Southeastern Peru Amazon. Here is a list of some of her publications related to that work listed on the Peregrine Fund page on a global raptors site. Here is the article on my birding club’s site after she made her presentation to us at a club meeting.

The Five species of forest falcons Dr. Valdez studied in the Peruvian Amazon (from her talk at ABC Birding)

This is a photo of her slide at that presentation of the five species of forest falcons she studied in her doctoral work.
More recently Dr. Valdez has been working with a local landowner, other researchers, local youth, and visiting volunteers at él Centro de Educacíon, Ciencia y Conservacíon, in the Madre de Díos, a great name translated the Mother of Gods, in the Tambopata Province of Peru, near the town of Puerto Maldonado. This is one of the most species diverse areas of the world, and in an area being ravished by land clearing, slash burning and gold mining. We talk about the gold mining, much of which is done illegally, in areas where it is not legally allowed. The gold there is disbursed in the runoff sediment from the river, and huge areas of the river itself and surrounding forest are cleared, dug up, the gold extracted in a process using mercury, and left ravished. The ecological and health consequences are devastating to the community and of course to the wildlife of the area. Here is an article about this issue on the USAID website. The article addresses the social, ecological and community issues related to the illegal alluvial gold mining in the Madre de Díos region.
Dr. Valdez also talks about her local work at the Bothel Campus of the University of Washington, where she teaches, does local conservation work, and continues her research activities.
The facebook page @CECCOT is a great way to keep touch with their great organization and to hear about volunteer opportunities there. Be sure to like and follow their page, and support their work in any way that you are able
Until next time, good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #34 with Brad Waggoner Additional Info

In this episode Brad and I talk a lot about birding in Clallam County, WA. Over the last decade or so it has become increasingly clear that Neah Bay is a special place in the fall. If you look at a map of the northwestern U.S. you will see that Neah Bay and Cape Flattery are at the very northwest most point of the lower 48 United States.
Just this fall rare Washington species found in Neah Bay include Blackburnian Warbler, Orchard Oriole, Tropical Kingbird (frustratinglyk found the day after I left Neah Bay), Lapland Longspur, Lark Sparrow (rare for that location, not eastern WA), Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Mockingbird, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and American Redstart.

I am hopeful that Brad will help me mark up a Neah Bay map with the birders names for locations often used in describing places in the town.

Here is a link to Matt Bartell and Ken Knittel’s WA Birder website.

Here are some photos from my recent Neah Bay trip:

Black Turnstone

72 Black Oystercatchers

Gray Whale

Here is a link to the ABC Birding website of our local birding club.

Good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #33 with Mike Resch supporting notes.

In The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #33 with Mike Resch we talk primarily about his lifelong quest to see over half of the birds on the state bird checklist in the lower 48 states + Washington D.C. So far he has about 14,700 state ticks, and is only 2 states from achieving his goal. Oregon and Montana are yet to succumb to his passion, but they are on the near-term horizon.

You can find Mike at his blogG. State Birding on Blogspot, or you can email him at reschmike1 – at- gmail -dot- com”

Mike has a public profile on eBird. Here is a link to his profile.

I mentioned my Ferruginous Hawk trip. Here is a link to a facebook post about that.

Please ask questions, leave comments, and subscribe to The Bird Banter Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher.

Good Birding. Good Day.

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #31 with John Patten Moss- Supporting Notes

In The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #31 John Patten Moss and I talk about his planned cross-country birding big year completely self powered and primarily on a UNICYCLE! Can you imagine, starting near where I live in the Puget Sound region of Washington state, travelling south to California, across to Arizona and across the southern U.S. using only a unicycle and his feet.
In episode Dorian Anderson and I talked about his 2014 Biking for Birds big year, when he saw 618 species, and started in Massachusetts, going south in freezing weather to Florida, then crossing the southern U.S., up the west coast and back through part of the central U.S. completely self powered on a bicycle. John and I talk about he unique challenges he will face on a unicycle, his life story of learning to unicycle and his birding story.
I look forward to following his big year at his blog: 2020: The Vision
There is a really cool video produced by a student at his alma mater Berry University about his unicycle use during college. Check it out here:
In case you have not seen it here is the blog of Dorian Anderson’s Biking for Birds big year
You can reach John on e-mail mossbill16 – at- yahoo dot – com
Be sure to reach out to him if you are interested in helping him in any way on his big year quest.
Until next time; Good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #30 with Peter Wimberger Supporting Notes

In this episode I go to the Slater Museum at the University of Puget Sound to meet with Peter Wimberger, the museum director, and we talk about the role of a natural history museum in the world of science, education, research and ecology today. Peter is a passionate advocate of the museum and natural history museums in general, and an eloquent guest.

Here is a link to the website of the Slater Museum and the Burke Museum, a similar museum at the University of Washington. Both museums have the premier outstretched wing specimens of birds in North America. You can see photos of many of the wings on the websites.

Slater Museum
Burke Museum

Here is a link to my

Peter Wimberger and his dog Cava.

Here is a photo of the new Oceanic Bird Identification guide I talk about in the introduction

Until next time. Good birding. Good day!

The Bird Banter Episode #29 with Christian Hagenlocher Additional Info

In this episode Christian talks at length about his recent trip to Attu. Attu has a rich history of being a place where rarities can be found like no other place. I believe the book Christian mentions in the podcast is Attu: Birding on the Edge by Crista Waters. It is available on Amazon

Here is the link to the place to preorder Christian’s new book Falcon Freeway.

The National Audubon Society Hog Island Camp can be looked at here.

Here is the company Christian is guidingfor.

Here is the boat used for the Attu tour. M/V Pukuk on a tour with Zugunruhe Birding Tours.

I’ve looked at several Attu trip reports, and there really are not that many “highly likely” species I could add to my ABA life list that are not almost as likely on a trip to Gambel or Adak. Mega rarities would certainly be more likely, but at this time I don’t see Attu in my birding future.

Good birding. Good day.