Category: Podcast summary

Notes on The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #17 with Shawneen Finnegan.

Shawneen is the leader next to the right in this photo from the Sept 2016 Searcher pelagic trip.

The Bird Banter Episode #17 with Shawneen Finnegan was one of my highlights so far in doing the podcast. I first met Shawneen on a 5-day pelagic trip on the Searcher out of San Diego in Sept 2016. This is was a remarkable pelagic experience, very different in many ways from a typical one-day, in-and-out pelagic trip. On this trip we left San Diego on a Monday afternoon, and returned Friday morning. With that much time at sea, we were able to spend long periods of time far from shore, both much longet time frames, and much farther from shore than is possible on a one-day trip. This allows much longer looks at desirable species, chances for really rare species best seen 100+ miles from shore, and just overall a very different experience. The trip had five expert pelagic birders as leaders-spotters, and Shawneen was the guest leader. My understanding is that the other four leaders go regularly on this trip, and one guest leader is invited each year. I hit the jackpot with having Shawneen along. She was not only expert, but was really a pleasure to get to visit with.

On this trip I had three lifers, Townsend’s Storm Petrel, and Guadalupes and Craveri’s Murrelets, and several great species I’d seen before incluiding Red-billed Tropicbird, Black and Least Storm Petrel, and Scripp’s Murrelet. In addition we had great looks at more common pelagic species as well as other rarities I’d seen before including Long-tailed Jaeger, Red-billed Tropicbird, and Scripps Murrelet. The incredible whale show we encountered was probably the most memorable part of the trip.
I didn’t see Shawneen again until the WOS meeting last weekend. Shawneen is on the Washington State Rare Birds Committee and I had the chance to sit at a table with Shawneen and her husband David Irons at dinner on Saturday. It was fun to hear the birding stories with Bruce Labar, Ken Brown and these two.

Here is a link to a flickr album with lots of photos from the trip.

Shawneen is an accomplished artist. She has had work published in several birding related works, and most recently has started to do commission pet paintings. You can check out her work and order a commission at her web site,

Here are some photos from the recent WOS trip.

Tri-colored Blackbird
Lark Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Horned Lark
Tree Swallow
Cinnamon Teal
Black-chinned Hummingbird

Check out the new Peterson Series Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Western North America by Saturday’s WOS keynote speaker Nathan Pieplow.
I hope to have Shawneen’s podcast episode published by Monday May 20th and expect to have Khahn Tran on next week as my guest. Until then, good birding, and good day.

Last Day on the Edge of the Sahara Desert Birding

We looked long and hard, but finally found two Desert Sparrows at a desert camel safari place.

Today we wrapped up the birding on the edge of the Sahara Desert by looking for and finding Desert Sparrow and Fulvous Chatterer. Both took more effort than expected, but we had great looks at the Sparrow, and brief in-flight looks at the Chatterer. Tomorrow we leave for a 6 hour drive to Ifrane, with birding stops along the way. I’ll simply put up some photos from today to show the day:
Here are both the male and female Desert Sparrow.

Camels at the sparrow place.
This is the color of Sahara Desert Sand.
This fellow was a tough to see bird, Western Orphinean Warbler.
European Kestrel, a bird we had seen every day until yeasterday. Today we started a new streak.
After a good lunch stop we again visited the lake near Merzouga. The rest of the photos are from there.
Marcus counted 4000+ Greater Flamingos.
Across the lake the sand dunes were impressive.

Good birding. Good day!

Notes Related to The Bird Banter Podcast #12 with Michael Carmody

In The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #12 host Ed Pullen and Legacy Tours owner and guide talk about Michael’s career as a bird guide in Mexico, his “”patch” as well as around the world. Michael leads several trips a year to Mexico, specializing in showing birders the endemic species of Mexico, as well as trips to other parts of the world.
We spend a good part of the episode talking about the upcoming trip to Morocco that Ed as well as Bruce Labar from TBBP Episode #3 are taking with Michael as the guide. Here is a map of the route we will be taking. Morocco Route

This is going to be what Michael calls a “B” type trip. This means it will be primarily a focused birding trip, but we will have some time in various places to enjoy the local culture and sights. Sounds like fun to me.

Here is a link to Legacy Birding Web Site.

I am hoping to make recordings for TBBP while in Morocco and if I can find decent WiFi publish periodic updates on the podcast.

Good Birding. Good day.

Notes Related to TBBP Episode #11 with the Birdchick.

The promised You Tube video of the Dusky Grouse we discuss in the episode.

Sharon Stitler goes by her birding moniker “Birdchick” and her Birdchick Podcast was the first podcast of any type I listened to ever! It was a real treat for me to have her as my guest on The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #11. She is knowledgible, eloquent yet casual and doesn’t take herself too seriously. A great guest and I think you’ll love hearing her story.

Check out the Birdchick website. You can even watch her bathtub episode there!

I learned the difference betweek standup comedy and improv theater. She does improv.

Here is a link to the phone-skope adapter store for the one she uses.

Please leave comments with any suggestions for future guests on the podcast, or things you’d like to hear about.

Good birding! Good day!

Note Related to TBBP #10 with John Sterling.

John Sterling started birding at age 11 in California, during what I’ve always considered the golden age of modern U.S. birding, where a generation of young birders took birding to a new level. They explored known birding spots, and discovered many new hotspots. Looking for and chasing vagrants became a key part of the birding game in those days, and many California and ABA first species sightings were discovered. John, with the support of his Dad and many of the California birders of his youth, became a key part of that renaissance.
Don Roberson’s site Who Was Who in California Birding: 1965-1989.
He tells us about his remarkable career as a field ornithologist, with stories of the American tropics, California birding, research in the northern boreal forests, and his recent trip to China.
Here are photos from John’s web site of his trip to China last month. Here are his photos from the trip I went with him to Kenya in 2016.

Cocha Antshrike photo of a female from The Internet Bird Collection website gallery.

Here is a link to Cornell’s Neotropical Birds telling the story of the Cocha Antshrike that John was involved with the rediscovery of in the 1980’s in Equador that he talks about in the episode.

Brewers sparrow is the species I talk about in the introduction, and play the song from the Sibley App at the end of the episode. These are among the more drably marked LBJ’s (little brown jobs) we see in WA, and I don’t have any great personal photos, so here is a pic from the same site as the Cocha Antshrike above. Here is a link to the site for reference.

Brewer’s Sparrow photo, credit on link above.

Please leave comments below if you have any questions or suggestions.


Good birding. Good day!

Notes Relating to TBBP Episode #9 with Shep Thorpe

In The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #9 with Shep Thorpe we discussed the upcoming Moses Lake area WOS Annual Conference. A few factors to consider include:

Adams, Grant, Franklin, Kittitas and possibly Benton and Douglas Counties will be included in some of the field trips, so county listers take note, you can bulk up your WA county lists.

You can read about a typical Okanogan winter trip on the ABC site at

The Billy Frank NWR where Shep leads Wednesday walks is a great birding spot. Here is a link to the eBird hotspot. If you look, you’ll see that Shep is the #1 eBird lister for this hotspot.

You can check Shep’s eBird Proile here.

More details to follow.

The Bird Banter Podcast #8 with Bill Tweit.

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #8 with Bill Tweit

In this episode host Ed Pullen talks with Bill Tweit about his birding experiences, especially with Westport Seabirds, and how it came to have the longest continuous database of pelagic seabirds in the world.  Bill is a great birder, first rate scientist, and wonderful story teller.  Enjoy the episode.

Annotated links to things discussed in the podcast:

On the bird banter website you can see photos from the Westport Seabirds Pelagic Trip discussed in this episode as well as read an account of the trip.   

Go to the website of Westport Seabirds to schedule your Washington Pelagic Trip, to look at historical sightings or to learn about pelagic birding off the Washington coast.    

Here is a place to look at the undersea topography off Gray’s Harbor, WA, i.e. Gray’s Canyon and the continental shelf areas discussed by Bill in the podcast.  Map of the ocean floor off WA coast 

This site discussed the current population and population trends for Short-tailed Albatross  Current data on STAL population 

Here is information about the AIS tracking system for boats at sea.    

Here is a site talking about techniques for setting long lines to reduce albatross entrapment 

Photo of adult with golden nape plumage Bill talks about on the podcast:   

A link to an online version of the 1909 Status of Washington Birds by Dawson & Bowles 

Here is a link to the ABC Birding Club website, the group mentioned by Bill and Ed near the end of the episode.  Ed is the webmaster of the site. 

Check out the blog post with photos from the pelagic trip discussed here: 

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #6: Ed Takes Ken Birding

Ken Brown and I went on a 6-day trip to Southern California. This trip was exactly the opposite of most of our prior trips together, when Ken did most of the planning and led the trips. I have spent some time in recent years in the area, and so planned and led this trip, with the goal of helping Ken see the area specialty birds, both native and introduced exotic species. I discuss the trip in the last episode of The Bird Banter Podcast, and here áre some photos of the trip.

One of the more recent exotic introduced specise to be accepted as “listable” by the ABA. Eguptian Goose.
A Brown Booby from our fowl weather pelagic on Saturday out of San Diego.

The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #7 with Ben Lizdas Additional Info.

This is the photo of the Violet-green Swallow that I mention in the episode introduction.

In episode #7 Ben Lizdas is my guest. Ben is well known in the birding community as the optics expert formerly from Eagle Optics, and now with Redstart Birding, the optics and merchandise arm offshoot of Bird Watchers Digest.
In the episode Ben talks about his introduction to birding through immersion in the birding community, rubbing shoulders and going birding with many of the best known birders in the ABA community. He has attended most of the better known birding festivals, as well as many of the smaller festivals, and tells us about some of his favorites. He also hints at his enjoyment of winter sports, being a native of Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, his enjoyment of having good food, culture and other amenities at his favorite birding destinations, and the amazing opportunities he has had to get to know the superstars of the ABA birding community.
Bill Thompson, the host of This Birding Life and Out There with the Birds, the two podcasts of Bird Watcher’s Digest, has dubbed Ben as the LeBron James of birding optics, and the moniker has stuck, because it is deserved. You have to be good to wear that jersey.
Be sure to listen to The Bird Banter Podcast Episode #7 With Ben Lizdas wherever your podcast feeds. Here is a link to the episode on the iTunes store.

Alternatively you can listen on Podbean using the player link below.

Wrapping up Southern California Trip

A Brown Booby from our fowl weather pelagic on Saturday out of San Diego.

Sitting at the Orange County Airport, waiting to fly home. We had a great trip, with 179 species, including 9 lifers for Ken, and 6 new California life birds for me. 30 checklists, lots of fun, battled some poor weather, but overall a great trip and the planned topic for the next episode of The Brid Banter Podcast. Stay tuned.

One of the more recent exotic introduced specise to be accepted as “listable” by the ABA. Egyptian Goose.
A Brown Booby from our fowl weather pelagic on Saturday out of San Diego.
A Cassin’s Aucklet too full of fish to take flight.
Black-vented Shearwater
Cactus Wrens at the Anza Borrego Visitor Center.

Enjoy the podcast. Good day. Good birding!